"Now is the time to begin giving at least as much
to yourself, as you have always given to others."
to yourself, as you have always given to others."
- The MAD Goddess
Throughout the ages women have been the nurtures of the world, the hand rocking the cradle, the power behind the throne, the silent partner. But now as you journey through midlife and beyond, as you bravely step into the empty next, are you ready to unleash the MAD Goddess that lies within?
Charge of the MAD Goddess
In the tradition of Baba Yaga, the witch woman,
and Stara Buba, the crazy old woman,
we are the MAD Goddesses.
We sound the call of our sisters.
We invoke the spirits of all our crazy women folk
who have come before us.
We lay claim to the power of the MAD Goddess within.
We declare our right and privilege
to be forgetful when convenient,
to disagree, even when it might be inconvenient for others
and to say "No"when we feel like it.
We shall be outrageous, rampageous, umbrageous and courageous
whenever it suits us, but especially when others say we shouldn't.
Henceforth we shall stop doing what we should
and start doing what we always could have.
We shall dance alone or together (it doesn't matter)
without a care to who is watching.
We shall live this second half of life with Attitude.
This is how midlife and beyond shall be.
Because we said so, that's why.